Call toll free 855.658.6125 or email for a free consultation

Why use a Social Security Advocate?

  • Helps you understand every step of the process. We educate you and communicate openly and clearly at all times.
  • Makes things easier for you by completing and submitting forms, and interacting with Health Care Providers, State Agencies and the Social Security Administration on your behalf.
  • Keeps you informed through regular calls, emails, or letters so you know the status of your claim.
  • Speeds you through the process by knowing how the Social Security Administration works with respect to Long Term Disability, and how to get a favorable outcome based on your medical condition.
  • Treats you with respect and leverages all of GAR’s national resources to help you get the benefits you are entitled to.

Let us get to work for you.

Call us toll free at 855.658.6125